Friday, January 16, 2009

Christmas 2008

Okay, okay....I'm really a slacker. I've been pretty busy lately, and to be honest, our computer room is always freezing so I can't bring myself to hang out in the Arctic Tundra very often. Today is my day off so I thought I'd better add some posts.

Christmas this year was great! We have been having so much fun with all the great gifts we received. Some of the highlights are the Wii (I'll post more on that one later) and Adam opening his gift from Santa - it was a King Arthur Castle that he loves! He also had the greatest reaction to a new set of golf clubs that he got from Papa Garber. He can't wait for the weather to get better so he can spend some time with Papa hitting some golf balls. He occasionally takes out each club and just practice swings, and makes sure they are clean. It's so cute! Ashley got a lot of really nice Breyer horses, too. I'm sure they'll be shown in this year's horse show if there is one. One gift I got wasn't such a gift at all... about 10 pounds from all the great food this time of year! I guess I'll be trying to work it off for a while. Was it worth it? Yep...that fudge I made was great! haha


Melissa said...


Once again you are the winner. You made it to the top of my blog roll. Aren't you proud? I can't wait for to hear about Adam's day of golf. Dad might be willing to drive him down to St. George for the weekend just so he can play. : ) Who's more excited Adam or Dad?

Tina said...

WOO HOO!! You made a post. I am glad you bundled up and made it to the Arctic Tundra! I hope all your fingers and toes made it. That is soo cute with the golf clubs!

Janessa said...

Welcome back to the blogging world! So good to hear that you had an awesome Christmas! Arctic Tundra, you say? I can't even imagine what it would be like to sit in a freezing cold environment every day. (Yes, the sarcasm is thick)

The Arents Family

The Arents Family