Monday, October 13, 2008

Cat Bowling

Try your hand at Cat Bowling! This is seriously the funniest thing I have seen!


Janessa said...

LOVE IT! This game has kept me occupied for most of the afternoon. I guess I ought to get back to work! Thanks for sharing.

Melissa said...

So my high score is 78. Pathetic. You'd think that correspondence course would have been good for something.

The Garber Family said...

this has been way fun for us... thanks for sharing!

Tina said...

Oh nothing like rolling a bowling ball at a bunch of cats. This is so fun! I now have the 'Take the Skin heads bowling' song stuck in my head.

Mel said...

Sadly, the correspondence course bowling alley that we had to use in Midvale is closed now. I guess the kids will have to go to BYU for the courses while their dads take their friends for ice cream at the BYU creamery....

Melissa said...

Uh, Mel, your kids aren't going to need correspondence courses. It's only for slightly pathetic girls like us.

Melissa said...

Maybe if Ashley wants to do some concurrent enrollment and get a jump on things, but then I'm pretty sure she'd choose they U.

The Arents Family

The Arents Family