Saturday, July 12, 2008

Wheeler Farm- Free Entertainment!

With the out of control gas prices it's a hard to find something for the family to do that costs less than the gas it takes to drive out there. Luckily, we live within walking distance to Wheeler Farm. We have spent so many hours over there. It's pretty sad, really. Although the signs say do not feed the animals, we routinely bring along carrots for Ashley's favorite- the horses. The big Clydesdale is amazing to stand next to. It makes you feel so small. I'm a little nervous around the big animals, but Ashley is right at home with them. They also have cute donkeys, sheep, pigs, and the occasional chicken that is running around. Yeah, Mark grabbed one and carried it over to the kids so they could pet it. One day we will be banned from the farm. I took a cute picture of the kids on a nice rustic wagon only to find out after the picture that it was filled with pig MANURE!!! I'm such a good mom, aren't I? Anything for a picture. It's fun to go in the springtime with all the new animals. There was a cute baby goat that was only a few days old. There are also some pretty demon geese and ducks there. On a trip with the kids and my nephew, Casey, we were swarmed by the geese. I was literally carrying Casey in one hand, and alternating throwing bread to distract them and trying to run them down with a stroller. Good times, but we made it out alive. Oh by the way, if anyone from Wheeler Farm or PETA corners me about the "alleged" animal feeding or duck incident, I'm denying it.

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The Arents Family

The Arents Family